Learn to Program with ZedLX

Free Online Programming Course for Beginners

How to Learn Computer Programming

Many beginners who want to learn computer programming get stuck while attempting to figure out which programming language is the best to learn first. This question is hard to answer because there are so many different opinions on the subject, but most experts agree that, in the end, the choice of language does not matter much, as long as you are making good progress. You can pick almost any language as your first language, so don't get hung up on wondering which one to learn first.

All programming languages in existence have many similarities. This is because they are all based on the same set of basic concepts. A particular programming language is easy to learn when you have a good grasp of the basic concepts. However, learning the basic concepts is not that easy, and it requires a lot of time and effort. It is much easier to learn the basic concepts in a programming language which has been specifically designed for learning computer programming.

The most important thing is that you like programming, you like experimenting with programs, modifying them and tinkering, seeing the results, whether they are expected or unexpected. Curiosity is important. Fun is important. Therefore, it is important to learn from an interesting and engaging tutorial, a tutorial you understand well, and most importantly, a tutorial you like.

As you might have heard, learning computer programming can take a very long time. How long? It is hard to tell, because the learning process can never be completed. Being a computer programmer implies a life-long learning process. Therefore, learning computer programming can take more time or less, depending on how much you want to know, and depending on the level of skill and knowledge you would like to attain; months, years, a lifetime.

You should learn computer programming because you like it, and because you find it interesting. Because, you find it interesting to look at lines and circles dancing on the screen; bright colors, puzzling shapes, new ways of thinking. Learn programming because you like making a computer do your bidding; because, you like to create new and marvelous experiences; because, you like to explore the endless possibilities of creation that today's computers can offer. Computer programming, by its very nature, is an extremely creative activity. Learn computer programming because you like to create.

Well, there you go, that is all you need to know for a successful start. Don't worry. Don't overthink it. Just begin!

We wish you an interesting journey.