Programming Course for Beginners - ZedLX

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Iteration [1/10]

Iteration with Loops

A for loop executes a block of statements multiple times.

Press the F8 key to run the program, or click the Run button.

A statement block is a group of statements enclosed inside braces {}. Braces are sometimes called “curly brackets”.

A for loop repeats, or iterates, the execution of the statement block.

In this example, the for loop will iterate 7 times.

Additionally, the statement sleepMs(600) is used to slow down execution of the program.


1. In the source code, the number 600 is the argument of the sleepMs function. Change the number 600 to number 150 to see how it affects the program speed.
[Run the program]

2. Now, change the argument of the sleepMs function to 900.
[Run the program]
