Programming Course for Beginners - ZedLX

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A Quick Comparison of Programming Languages [4/10]

4. Level of Abstraction

The syntax of a programming language is mostly a superficial issue. On a deeper level, we can divide languages by the level of abstraction.

The C programming language has a low level of abstraction.

The C++ programming language has a mix of low level and high-level features.

All other programming languages in this comparison: Java, C#, Javascript, PHP and Python are languages exhibiting a high level of abstraction.

ZedLX is a high-level language. Its level of abstraction is even higher than in the other languages. This is by design, as the authors of the language opine that learning computer programming should start at the highest possible level of abstraction. Some old-school programmers might disagree with such opinions.

Comparison of Popular Programming Languages by Abstraction Level
