Programming Course for Beginners - ZedLX

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A Quick Comparison of Programming Languages [2/10]

2. Comparison by Syntax

Let's compare a few popular programming languages, like C, C++, Java, C#, Javascript, PHP, and Python to ZedLX.

No language on this list besides ZedLX has been designed with considerations for programming beginners.
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The most superficial comparison between languages can be made on a syntactic level. The syntax of a programming language specifies how various language constructs are written.

C-style syntax is very popular among languages and programmers. Almost all languages in the list: C, C++, Java, C#, Javascript, PHP use a C-language alike free-form syntax, and this also includes ZedLX, which is a free-form programming language.

Python is the only language on the list that uses somewhat different, but still similar syntax. Python does not have a free-form syntax.

While ZedLX is more similar to the rest of the programming languages, its syntax is not entirely in C-style. Instead, it leans somewhat towards the Python-style syntax.

Comparison of Popular Programming Languages by Syntax
