Drawing on Images and Auto-assign [1/12]
Drawing on Images
The getter function .atleast from type int returns a value greater than the argument.
A getter like .atleast cannot modify the variable it is acting upon ('val').
The only way to change the variable is to employ the assignment statement.
A new image is initially fully transparent.
The getter function .fill from type image returns an image filled with the given color.
A getter like .fill cannot modify the variable it is acting upon ('canvas').
The only way to change the variable is to employ the assignment statement.
Auto-assignment makes it easier to draw on an image.
The getter function .text from type image returns a new image with text drawn on it. The signature of procedure .text is:
- image image.text(
- point2D position, (top-left corner)
- fontTag font,
- num fontSize,
- colorA color,
- string text
- )
The procedure boxFillp fills a rectangular area of the screen. The signature of procedure boxFillp is:
- void boxFillp(
- point2D position, (top-left corner)
- vector2D size,
- colorA color
- )
The word void specifies that this procedure does not return a value.
The corresponding member function named .boxFill is available from type image. This member function returns the resulting image. Because of this it has a slightly different signature (it returns a value of type image).
The procedure boxEdgep fills an edge of a rectangular area.
The signature of procedure boxEdgep is:
- void boxEdgep(
- point2D position, (top-left corner)
- vector2D size,
- num edgeWidth,
- colorA color
- )
The corresponding member function named .boxEdge is available from type image. This member function returns the resulting image. Because of this it has a slightly different signature (it returns a value of type image).
The getter function .crop from type image returns the specified part of the image.
The signature of this getter function is:
- image image.crop(
- int x, (top)
- int y, (left)
- int sizeX,
- int sizeY
- )
The first word of the signatures specifies the type of the return value. In other words, this function produces a new value of type image. All getter functions must return a value.
The name image before the dot specifies what type does this function belong to.
The getter function .cropResize from type image returns a specified part of the image an resizes it to form a new image.
The signature of this getter function is:
- image image.cropResize(
- point2D position, (top-left corner)
- vector2D size,
- int resultSizeX,
- int resultSizeY
- )
The getter function .putImage from type image puts one image onto another.
The signature of this getter function is:
- image image.putImage(
- image img,
- point2D p
- )
The getter function .tile from type image creates a new image made of tiled copies of another image.
The signature of this getter function is:
- image image.tile(
- int resultSizeX,
- int resultSizeY,
- point2D position
- )
This program creates a small image with a red-blue gradient. It displays the gradient, and also displays a larger version of the gradient.
It then proceeds to create a large image created by tiling the gradient.
This development of the previous program creates a sprite from the tiled gradient.
It then proceeds animate the the sprite in a circular motion.
This development of the previous program counter-spins the sprite very fast. It also makes the sprite grow in size and makes it approach the center of the screen.
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