Articles / Basics
How Can I Create a Computer Demo?
Created: 2023/11/26

Computer demos are animated computer programs. The animation is created by making a computer quickly draw a large number of images on the display. Usually, 60 images are generated every second, and displayed one after another to create an appearance of fluid animation. An image displayed at such speed is called a frame. Every frame of the animation must be generated by a computer program.
To create computer demos, you must learn how to write computer programs. A computer program instructs the computer how to generate and display each frame of a computer demo.
Provided on this website is a free computer programming tutorial made specifically for beginners who would like to learn computer programming. Click here to start a free course.
Creating a demo certainly requires a knowledge of computer graphics. It is necessary to first learn two-dimensional graphics, because 3D computer graphics is much more complex and difficult. Also, a computer demo programmer must know how to display objects in motion, and how to make a lot of interesting visual effects.
A course on computer graphics provided on this site is a part of the computer programming course. It's much more fun to learn programming with colorful graphics. Many interesting visual effects are also provided and explained as a part of the learning course. The site also allows you to easily share your demos with other people.
Learning to program computers is not too difficult, but it requires a lot of time. It is a very fun and creative activity. Most people need several months of learning before they can create useful programs. With our tutorials, you will be able to make your first, simple computer programs and demos in less than two weeks of learning.
It is very important that the first computer demo you write is something very simple. Try to imagine just a few simple objects, like lines, and try to create an interesting visual effect by only a few simple motions.
Before you will be able to make such a demo, you must learn basics of many programming topics, like: iteration, motion, variables, colors, various statements, time, animation, and some more.
This site makes learning programming a very pleasant experience. No need to wait any longer, you can start learning now.