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Articles / Basics

How Can I Create a Computer Demo?

Created: 2023/11/26

Triple monitor programming and coffee

Computer demos are animated computer programs that create the illusion of fluid motion by rapidly drawing a series of images on the display. Typically, 60 images are generated every second, with each image, or frame, being created by a computer program.

To create computer demos, you need to learn how to write computer programs that can generate and display these frames. Our website offers a free computer programming tutorial specifically designed for beginners. Click here to start a free course and begin learning the basics of computer programming.

Creating a demo requires knowledge of computer graphics, starting with two-dimensional graphics, as 3D graphics are more complex and challenging. You'll also need to learn how to display objects in motion and create interesting visual effects. Our computer graphics course, part of the programming tutorial, covers these topics in a fun and interactive way, using colorful graphics and providing examples of visual effects.

Learning to program computers takes time, but it's a fun and creative activity. With our tutorials, you can create your first simple computer programs and demos in under two weeks. It's essential to start with a simple project, such as animating basic objects like lines, and experimenting with simple motions to create an interesting visual effect.

Before creating a demo, you'll need to learn the basics of programming topics like iteration, motion, variables, colors, statements, time, animation, and more. Our website makes learning programming a pleasant experience, and you can start learning now. No need to wait – begin your programming journey today and discover the creative possibilities of computer demos.